Responsive Design with CSS Media Query Breakpoints (The Easy Way)
There’s nothing worse than meticulously designing a web page and checking it on a mobile phone, and nothing is readable . Thankfully, CSS offers several ways of addressing this exact situation. One of the most long-standing tools in the CSS toolbelt is Media Queries . Media Queries let you specify design rules in very specific situations. If you know how to write CSS, you can start writing media queries in about five minutes . But their benefits are not beyond you if you aren’t a pro with CSS—I’ll show you how WordPress’ best page builder lets you build media queries without ever realizing it . What Are Media Queries and Important Things to Know Websites are opened on all sorts of devices, from large desktop displays to cell phones. Media queries are a key CSS tool for achieving a readable and well-designed site regardless of screen size. Media Queries allow you to conditionally apply CSS styles based on screen size, device type, orientation, resolution, and more. The iPhone’s rel...