How to Rename a Divi Cloud Item
Naming conventions are important for keeping files organized. It’s common to change the way you name things over time or name something in a way that doesn’t make sense to you later. It can be difficult to think up a great item name every time. With Divi Cloud, we don’t have to create the perfect name for every element on the first try. Divi Cloud makes it easy to rename your layouts, categories, and tags. In this article, we’ll see how to rename a Divi Cloud item. We’ll also discuss some best practices for naming Divi Cloud items and see why you’d want to rename them. Good Divi Cloud Items Naming Practices Divi Cloud items are files. Like any other type of file, there are several things to keep in mind when naming your Divi Cloud items. The naming conventions are up to you. You can name them according to your tastes or practices but following standard naming conventions makes them easier to understand and organize. Keep the format consistent. Don’t use all caps for one and lower ca...